
Role: MERN Stack Developer
Company Name: Gammastack
Location: Indore
Key Responsibilities:
Backend Development: Develop server-side applications using Node.js and Express.js, focusing on building RESTful APIs or GraphQL endpoints.

Database Management: Work with MongoDB to design data schemas, create collections, and handle data storage and retrieval efficiently.

Front-End Development: Create user interfaces and components using React, building a responsive and interactive client-side application.

State Management: Implement state management in the front end using tools like React's Context API, Redux, or Mobx to manage application data.

API Integration: Integrate the frontend and backend by making requests to the server's APIs, handling data from the database, and rendering it on the UI.

Authentication and Authorization: Implement user authentication and authorization mechanisms, ensuring that sensitive data and features are secured.

Middleware Development: Create middleware components in Express.js to handle requests, process data, and validate user inputs.

Testing: Write unit tests for both the server-side and client-side code to ensure the application functions as expected.

Deployment and Hosting: Deploy applications on cloud platforms like AWS, Heroku, or Netlify and configure hosting, domains, and continuous integration.

Collaboration: Collaborate with UI/UX designers, other developers, and project managers to ensure that the project meets requirements, quality standards, and deadlines.
Experience: 3 to 5 Years

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